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Professor (Emeritus) John Richard Thome: Co-Founder, CTO and Technical Director

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; extensive experience working with major companies on technology breakthroughs in his world-class lab. Authored five books on two-phase flow/heat transfer, over 250 journal papers on macro/micro-two-phase cooling, developed/prototyped numerous new passive cooling technologies for market Acting Chairman of ALPEMA (Al Plate Exchangers Manufacturing Association) for 12 years, Standards for the fabrication of large Al plate-fin heat exchangers for the LNG, ethylene, etc. cryogenic liquid gas industry. Editor-in-chief of the 16-volume series Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow (2016-2018). Founder of the Virtual International Research Institute of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer (2014). Received Awards: the Nusselt-Reynolds Prize (2017), the IEEE Richard Chu ITHERM Award (2019), the ASME Allan Kraus Thermal Packaging Medal (2019), the ASME HTD Journal of Heat Transfer Best Paper Award (1998), the UK Institute of Refrigeration J.E. Hall Gold Medal (2008), the ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award (2010), the ICEPT-HDP 2012 Best Paper Award (2012), the ASME Journal of Electronics Packaging Best Paper Award (2014), and the InterPACK Outstanding Paper Award (2017). PhD (1978), Oxford University, UK. Has 40years of consulting experience developing industrially successful thermal technologies.
